PHTI Evaluates Virtual MSK Solutions, Including RecoveryOne

Jun 11, 2024

Peterson Health Technology Institute (PHTI) recently released the results of their independent evaluation of virtual MSK solutions, and the findings are quite favorable for solutions like RecoveryOne. The evaluation assessed eight virtual MSK solutions for clinical effectiveness and economic impact. Solutions were categorized based on their technology, clinician involvement, and integration with traditional in-person care. RecoveryOne, among others, was classified as a “physical therapist-guided solution” and assessed alongside app-based exercise therapy and RTM-augmented solutions.


The study found that not only did physical therapist-guided solutions improve pain and function for patients but they also significantly reduced spending. Based on their findings, PHTI advocates for the broader adoption of MSK solutions like RecoveryOne, and recommends a payer-focused approach to integrate solutions into medical benefits, rather than wellness benefits. RecoveryOne is committed to maximizing the value of our solution for our clients and members, and we’re thrilled to see that value reflected as part of this rigorous, independent study. 


Read the full press release: